We will start working more seriously next week and the first unit in our brand new Science book deals with the Nervous system.
Try an experiment using your brain here:
Task: Do not read the words above. Instead, say the COLOR of each word in each column, in a loud voice as fast as you can.
The Stroop Effect, named after John Ridley Stroop, is a demonstration of the reaction time of a task and is often used to illustrate the nature of automatic processing versus conscious visual control. It was first published in 1935 following a series of experiments similar to those outlined above.
The results of the tests showed that most persons tend to say the color of each word for columns 1 and 2 with little problem. Despite the clear instructions however, most persons struggle to say the color of each word in column 3. This difficulty occurs due to semantic interference.
For extension:
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Directions: Log in and visit the following site to answer the questions below.
Your answers should be written in different slides with adding images.