miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015


On this web page you can find an interactive world map showing total populations of different countries. You can zoom into the different regions to see more detail.

On this web page you will find the fertility rates all over the world. Find European countries with a higher fertility rate than Spain.

Here you will find how population grow up so fast in the past 200 years.

Appart from that I reccomend you to watch this movie that is somehow related to this unit.

You also have subtitles but if you need the Spanish version there you are

It can be a good idea for a lazy afternoon. There´s a long weekend coming. Enjoy it.


Used to

-is followed by an infinitive.
-describes something we often did in the past.
-suggest we don´t do it anymore.

When she was young, she used to watch cartoons.
She didn't use to watch cartoons when she was young.
Did she use to watch cartoons when she was young?

1. Put these sentences in the correct order.

a) used to / study / very hard / Jimena _________________________________________________________
b) long hair / Érika / used to / have ____________________________________________________________
c) Gretel / go / used to / to the cinema. _________________________________________________________
d) 5th grade kids / go out / used to / the evenings / in ___________________________________________________
e) used to / wonderful beach / There / be / here ______________________________________________
f) travel / used to / a lot / Álvaro and Javier ________________________________________________________
g) Claudia / play / tennis / used to __________________________________________________________
h) Carla  / her bike / ride / used to / in the park. _______________________________________________

2. Look at the sentences in exercise 1.

. Put the first four sentences in the negative form.

. Put the last four sentences in the interrogative form.

3. Write about yourself now. Create one sentence for something you used to do but don't anymore, and one sentence for something you did not use to do but now do.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Meeting Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands on March 30th, 1853. He developed a unique style that is easily recognizable today.

Follow the links below to learn a little about Van Gogh's life.
            Van Gogh for kids.

After reviewing the links, answer the following questions with a partner.
All this information must be included in the presentation.
            How did Van Gogh become interested in art?
            What training and education did he receive?
            What artistic movement was he part of? Explain its main characteristics.
            How did his mental state affect his work?

Use powerpoint to create a slideshow of Van Gogh where you must use google images to locate his paintings. Collect at least 10 images. Present the slideshow to a family member at home and discuss about it.

Thank you Samuel. I love it!

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Five little pumpkins

Try to remember this poem  and you will have an extra point in our Halloween Quizz next Friday.

 Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
First one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!”
Second one said, “there are witches in the air!”
Third one said, “But we don’t care!”
Fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.”
Fifth one said, “I’m ready for some fun.”
Oooooooooooooh went the wind.
Out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


Los vertebrados son animales que tienen esqueleto óseo, huesos internos o cartilaginoso.
Los animales se parecen y también se diferencian y de esta forma se pueden agrupar en 5 grupos:
Tienen el cuerpo cubierto de pelos. Los mamíferos acuáticos tienen piel lisa. Alimentan a sus crías con leche. Respiran a través de pulmones.
Ejemplos de mamíferos: Ballena - Delfín - Caballo - Perro - Murciélago
Tienen el cuerpo cubierto de plumas. Poseen 2 patas y 2 alas. La mayoría de las aves vuelan, pero también hay otras que nadan, caminan y corren. Respiran por pulmones.
Ejemplos de aves: Loro - Avestruz - Pingüino - Cóndor - Águila
Tienen el cuerpo cubierto de escamas. Tienen aletas con las cuales puede nadar. Respiran por branquias. Pueden vivir en agua dulce o salada.
Ejemplos de peces: Salmón - Tiburón - Pez espada - Anguila - Atún
Tiene el cuerpo cubierto por una escama dura y áspera. Hay reptiles con caparazón. Poseen patas cortas, algunos no tienen patas.
Ejemplos de reptiles: Cocodrilo - Tortuga - Serpiente - Lagartija - Iguana
Tienen el cuerpo cubierto por una piel húmeda, por lo que necesita vivir cerca de agua. Tienen patas musculosas que les permite saltar o nadar.
Ejemplos de anfibios: Sapo - Rana - Salamandra - Gallipato - Tritón

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015


For those of you who are working really hard these days and need more practice.

This is a good site.

Remember also englishaula, pet/ket target... All those where we have been working during this year.

An activity that can be useful is working with adjectives.

Personality Adjectives

generous, funny, kind, smart, interesting, friendly, cheerful, confident, clever, gentle, patient, sweet.

What´s your (friend) like?

My best friend is.....

My mother/father is.....

My neighbour is......

My brother/ sister/ cousin/ teacher is.....

Always using links (but, yet, and...) and if you want an extra point use more than one.

My neighbour is friendly and cheerful, she always gets up with a smile on her face.

I would recommend you to watch again the videos you can find in youtube for the different parts of the test.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015


present simplemake a cake.A cake is made (by me).
present continuousam making a cake.A cake is being made (by me).
past simplemade a cake.A cake was made (by me).
past continuouswas making a cake.A cake was being made(by me).
present perfecthave made a cake.A cake has been made (by me).
pres. perf. continuoushave been making a cake.A cake has been being made (by me).
past perfecthad made a cake.A cake had been made(by me).
future simplewill make a cake.A cake will be made (by me).
future perfectwill have madea cake.A cake will have been made (by me).

We need much more practice rewriting sentences to make them passive. We will be using mainly simple present and past simple.

Let´s work.

Only using present simple, Here.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015


Lo tenemos que estudiar en inglés pero ahora nos lo preguntan en español.  Take it easy!

Aquí podéis encontrar las pruebas de los años anteriores, fijaos en la parte de cultura general que aparece dentro de la prueba de lengua.

Para repasar provincias, ríos, comunidades autónomas... podemos jugar aquí.

Añado lo último que hemos estado practicando sobre Europa. Capitales y tests.

More games related to the rivers, coasts, mountain ranges and autonomous communities of Spain.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Celtic Nations

During this month  you are finding out a lot of information about  the Celts.

We will work with  the Celtic designs, symbols, music and nations.

Let´s start at the British museum  click to download the image bank and you will find the ppt.

In the next video you will find lots of images, symbols and information about these nations.

And what type of music is the celtic one?

For Celts in Britain  and Spain check

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Blueberry muffins


1⁄2cup butter or 1⁄2 cup margarine at room temp
1cup granulated sugar
2large eggs
1teaspoon vanilla
2teaspoons baking powder
1⁄4teaspoon salt
2cups all-purpose flour
1⁄2cup milk
2 1⁄2cups fresh blueberries or 2 1⁄2cups frozen blueberries

For Topping
1tablespoon granulated sugar, mixed with
1⁄4teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1. Heat oven to 375°.
    2. Grease 18 regular-size muffin cups (or 12 large size muffins).
    3. In bowl, mix butter until creamy. Add sugar and beat until pale and fluffy.
    4. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each.
    5. Beat in vanilla, baking powder and salt.
    6. With spoon, fold in half of flour then half of milk into batter; repeat.
    7. Fold in blueberries.
    8. Spoon into muffin cups and sprinkle topping onto each muffin.
    9. Bake 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown and springy to touch.

    We are preparing the breakfast for next Wednesday´s playground time

martes, 14 de abril de 2015


Here you can find more information about Asia.

Play this games to learn more about geography. HERE

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


Geography of  Africa

Here you can find documentaries from the BBC  with David Attenborough about Africa.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Portrait with elongated forms

Most of you were right.  El Greco and Amedeo Modigliani are two artists who lived in very different times. But their styles show one common characteristic, they both liked to paint human figures and portraits with elongated forms. Their works are distinguished by their expressiveness and the light.

Here I post some of your masterpieces. Well done!

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Días nevados

La pasada semana blanca la estuvimos practicando, para los que no habéis venido.


Pharrell Williams
It might seem ______ what I'm 'bout to say 
Sunshine she's here, you can take a ________
Mama - hot air balloon that could go to _______ 
With the air like I don't care, baby, by the way 

Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like a _____ without a roof 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like ____________ is the truth 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you know what ___________ is to you 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to ___ 

[Verse 2] 
Here comes bad news, talkin' this and that 
But give me all you've got, and don't hold it ________
Well, I should probably warn you, I'll be just ______
No offense to you, don't _______ your time, here's why... 

Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like a _____ without a roof 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like ____________ is the truth 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you know what ___________ is to you 
Because I'm happy... 
Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to ___ 

Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now) 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said... 
[Hook x2] 

[Bridge 2] 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down... your love is too high... 
Bring me down... can't nothing... 
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now) 

1.    Match the phrases with their meanings

a)      To clap along
b)      To take a break
c)      To seem crazy
d)      By the way
e)      Hold it back
f)       To warn sb
g)      Waste sb’s time

1.      Incidentally, notabene, just to add, marginally;
2.      To stop what you’re doing for a while;
3.      To clap your hands with everybody;
4.      To stop something, to delay;
5.      To say that something might be dangerous;
6.      To spend time doing stupid, unnecessary things;
7.      To look really strange;

Y aún más divertido y la mejor manera de practicar spelling, puedes jugar aquí.
En lyrics training podéis practicar con muchas canciones en inglés, también tienen a 5 seconds of summer, vamps....

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015


Cambridge English: KEY (KET)

Difficulty levelA2 elementary
The Key English Test is the easiest of the Cambridge exams.
Who is it for?Do this test if you want to know your studies have started well and you have a basic knowledge of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
What is the KET test like?The test has three sections:
  1. Reading & Writing - 70 minutes, 56 questions
  2. Listening - 25 minutes
  3. Speaking - 8-10 minutes
There are two versions of the KET test:
  1. KET
  2. KET for Schools
Both versions have the same type of questions. The KET for schools test has content of interest to school-age learners.
The Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking sections each count for 25% of the marks.
You will receive a Statement of Results. If your performance ranges between CEFR Levels B1 and A1, you will also receive a certificate.
Pass with distinction (B1), Pass with Merit (A2), Pass (A2)

A2 / B1 / elementary / low intermediate.
Click here to see a comparison of KET scores with other exams.
