sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

Velázquez and Goya

1.     Where was Velázquez born?

2.     In what year?

3.     Name 3 of his famous paintings.

4.     Describe "Las Meninas".

5.     What king did Velázquez paint for?

6.     How many brothers and sisters did Velazquez have?

7.     When and where did Velazquez die?

1.     Where was Goya born?

2.     In what year?

3.     Name 3 of his paintings.

4.     Describe “La Familia de Carlos IV

5.     What king did Goya paint for?

6.     Goya suffered an illness that caused him to lose something, what did he lose?

7.     After the war, Goya began painting dark, surreal paintings, what are these paintings called?

8.     Where and when did Goya die?

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