viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

Good Bye!!!

It was a great pleasure being a teacher of such genius students!

All the best for your brightest future!!!

Aquí termina una etapa, me llevo muy buenos momentos que recordaré siempre.😘

jueves, 21 de junio de 2018

Salvador Dalí

"I am not strange I am just not NORMAL"

"Those who do not want to imitate anything produce nothing".

It´s very difficult to select from your masterpieces, having so many good artists in class this year.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Early Modern Age

Science test tomorrow, thursday 7th of June. Remember!!

If you want to search for more information about them. You can investigate, using this time the Spanish language though I am not asking you these questions tomorrow, I´m afraid.

1.- ¿Cómo reforzaron su poder los Reyes durante el siglo XV?
2.- ¿ Cómo se  llama a este tipo de monarquia ?
3.- ¿ Qué reyes la llevaron  a cabo en España ?
4.- ¿De qué asuntos  se hicieron cargo los Reyes Catolicos ?.- Indica 3
5.- Indica territorios que conquistaron los Reyes Católicos.
6.-¿ Cómo desaparece el reino de Navarra durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos?.
7.- ¿Quién murió primero?
8.- ¿Dónde reposan los restos de los Reyes Católicos?.
9.- ¿ Quién fue Juana la Loca ?
10.- ¿Quién fue el cardenal Cisneros ?
11.- ¿Dónde se casaron los Reyes Católicos ?
12.- ¿Qué archipiélago agregaron a su reino ?

By the way, congratulations for your Spelling Contest Results. It was awesome!!!

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

Spain in the Middle Ages

 Remember we have the test on Thursday the 24th of May.

On this webpage you will find an interactive quiz about everyday life in the Middle Ages.

You will find info about who were the visigoths here.

If you want to investigate more about medieval Al-Andalus games, click here.

On this webpage you will find information about the castles in the Middle Ages.

You can also try this quiz about the Reconquista.

We also have to mention this very important figure even if he does not appear in the book.

Follow this link.

I also recommend you this movie for a lazy afternoon.

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

English test unit 7

Remember  we have the next test on Wednesday the 16th of May.

Let´s revise the grammar of the unit.

Don’t worry about the Geography exam today. I’m sure everything (1) _____________ (will / won’t / has) be fine. You’ve (2) _____________ (ever / studied / study) really hard, and you’re really clever, too! (3) _____________ (Did / Have / Is) you had a good breakfast? That’s very important. You (4) _____________ (’ll / will / won’t) remember things if you’re hungry or tired. I (5) _____________ (meet / ’ll meet / won’t meet) you at lunchtime and you can tell me how it went. And don’t forget – you’ve (6) _____________ (never / ever / just) failed an exam yet!

Could you answer the following email?

What have you done today so far? I haven’t done anything. Why not come round to my house? We’ll have a picnic in the garden.
I hope it won’t rain!

You must also review the phrasal verbs we´ve learned so far and the future. Don´t forget!

Have a nice weekend.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2018


I have liked very much your places!

Next week´s homework (May 4th).
Choose a Shakespeare quote and develop it. Minimum 100 words. You can add images.

 Sample essay on a Shakespeare´s quote

In today’s time, mostly some kind of particular things appear so shiny and glorious whereas from inside they are just a huge empty piece. We can take this example in matter of people too. We cannot imagine the inner truth behind the glossy outlook of anything or person from very far. As a consequence it is an old saying that all that glitters is not gold. It is not any individual’s fault to show him under the various shiny things, as it is needed for many people to survive in this world by representing themselves as glossy and glittered all the time in front of others. Sometimes, appearance is not related with reality, think about the entertainment industry...

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018


 Remember  next Science test will be on Friday the 4th of May. 

Here you will find everything related to the history of electricity.
You can read, play games and do quizzes.

More games and quizzes.

Something you love to review contents. Let´s play!

For revision:
Could you explain in your own words why does your hair stand on end when you rub a balloon on it?
or How does electricity flow along a wire?

Could you draw a simple, parallel or series circuit?

jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

Unit 6

We have the unit 6 test on Tuesday, the 17th of April.

Remember studying the relative pronouns, present perfect structure and the irregular verbs.

You can practise online here

Let´s complete:

I´d like to see the place________my mum was born. She has often_____________to me about the village, but we____________had the chance to go together. My mum and I are very different. I never want to leave the city because I love it here so much. But Mum is the kind of person___________enjoys nature. We´ve___________ on a trip to the mountains,___________she loved.

 For more practise on the present perfect try here.

And for revision on the irregular verbs click.

You must also remember to show the agenda with your mark at home and your parents should check it.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2018


"I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality". Frida Kahlo.

I especially like the quality of the videos that you can find in this channel.

Can you answer the following questions in a presentation?

How old was Frida when she died?
What was her full birth name?
When was she born?
What was her nationality?
Who or what is depicted in most of Frida ´s paintings?
Frida began her career as an artist after what?
What artistic movement is she part of?
Add your favorite Frida ´s masterpieces.

She uses a lot of symbols like animals to represent herself
The background in Frida ´s paintings often held special meaning
Let´s create a self portrait using what you have learned. It can be a painting, a drawing or a craft using clay...whatever you want but Use color!
Include the following:
A symbolic background: Frida often used lush vegetation in the background of her portraits to represent her connectedness with nature.

A symbolic animal(s):  Choose an animal that can be used to symbolize you in some way. Frida used pets to represent her surrogate children or to symbolize characteristics like tenderness.

A personal feature: Frida often exaggerated her eyebrows and hair in her artwork. Her hair was a sign of her femininity.

For more information, check:

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Harry Potter

Our Harry Potter ´s workshop, this last week not to mention the slime, dancing and singing...

We´ve enjoyed doing it but I would like you to search a bit more of information about HP.

1- You must find info about Hogwarts, where is it located?. Describe it. Link1, link2.

2- You must find a map of Hogwarts and its surroundings. Link.

3-Find out what does it mean Harry Potter, the name. Link

4-Find out where was he living with the Dursley family, the address and describe the house. Link.

5-Find out what is the most popular beberage for the wizards and where they use to drink it. Link.

6- What is the difference between charm, spell and curse. Link.

You will create a powerpoint with that information.

Remember you must have at least 2 slides per task.

Slides can include text but also images.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

Heat and light


Make sure you know how to define concepts such as refraction, reflection, white light, melting, evaporation, chemical changes, expansion...

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Social Science revision

1 Correct these false sentences.

a) Interest is a small amount of money that you receive when you buy shares.
b) A savings account has a debit or credit card, which makes it easier to save.
c) When we use a credit card, the money leaves our bank account immediately.
d) A money box is similar to a bank account because it pays interest.
2 Give examples of high order and low order products.

3 Write sentences to describe how to make a budget.
First ___________________________________________________________
Then ___________________________________________________________
Next ___________________________________________________________
Finally __________________________________________________________

4. Write definitions of these types of companies.

a) Sole trader: ___________________________________________________
b) Corporation: ___________________________________________________